I am thankful that Anna settles well. She doesn't have colic where she cries hours on end without any way to console her. No, I can always console her with milk or swaddling or wrapping her tight to me with the Moby. Thank goodness. Problem is, I CAN'T PUT HER DOWN! She prefers to be held and to rest on a warm body for most of her waking AND non-waking hours. This, my friends, is an issue. Because I have two other children and a husband and a house that desperately need me, too. Well, the house and hubby aren't all that desperate, but you know what I mean. Oh, and everyone wants to eat at least three times a day and there's groceries to buy and meals to make (or at least serve and clean-up even if it's not "made." ) Anna eats all day and night at least every three hours. Oh, and there's Christmas coming up, too. You know, that time of year that is insanely busy even if you don't have a newborn? Trying not to stress, but at this point, I only have a couple of gifts bought and I will have to start packing up soon. Obviously, going home to KY this year will not be easy.
This month we've tried a million ways to get Anna to sleep some on her own. We have tried the baby swing. We get a few happy awake moments out of this. She has maybe fallen asleep in it three times. We've tried Caleb's crib. This seems to be the best option. I try daily to let her nap in it as we will be transitioning her to this bed really soon. We've tried the pack n play with little success. We've tried swaddling and not swaddling. We've tried sleeping on her stomach. (I know, don't judge. Both of my other kids slept on their bellies after one month or so.) She sleeps on her stomach much better than her back, so maybe this will work better in time. We've tried swaddling her and propping her body up with the boppy or pillow. Sometimes, this works for a couple of hours. Most of the time, not very well. What works? Holding her. Rocking her. Wearing her. These are the only things that you can count on for having her sleep for more than a few minutes. The rest is just sheer luck because usually she wakes up as soon as you take her out of your arms. Jeremy and I have a little routine going where he will hold her after we get the big kids to sleep. Sometimes he will hold her from 8pm-11pm while he rests at the end of the night. Sometimes I can go to bed early. Most of the time, I have dishes or laundry to do or just want a few free moments to myself after a non-stop day. We each take a shift at night or early in the morning so that we can put together a few hours of solid sleep. It's rough.
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Anna and me resting during our vacation to Bodega Bay (11/26/14) |
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