I'm not sure when I'll ever be able to sit down and type up a real blog post complete with photos and all, but just want to say that I'm back! Kind of. I mean I have a house and a desktop computer again and an internet connection. Right now I need to take a shower while Caleb naps and of course I need to unpack some boxes. Since my last blog post, we sold our house, said our good-byes and moved out, flew to San Francisco, moved into our temporary apartment in San Francisco, house hunted, celebrated Emily's 4th birthday, "vacationed" in San Francisco, signed a lease on a house in Alameda, started the new job at Twitter, moved out of the temporary apartment, moved into our new house, and Emily started preschool this week. Each one of those events I just mentioned could have a blog post of its own! Now, the real work begins--unpacking and trying to make this place a home. It seems unfair that the hardest part of the whole move is saved for last. I hate living in chaos and disorganization. Little by little we are making a dent in the boxes, but unless I hire a mother's helper, it will probably take a month to completely unpack, let alone decorate. Some of our furniture doesn't work well with the layout of this house. So, I also need to buy a few new pieces (e.g. a small eat-in kitchen table).
So, let me just say that we are fine. I'm not overly sad. I'm more overwhelmed than sad. I really like our island community in Alameda. I love the perfect weather. I feel sheltered here from the bigness of San Francisco, but we can be in the city in about 20 minutes in light traffic. Unfortunately Jeremy's commute is 45 min to an hour by bus and BART. However, he no longer has to spend time maintaining the yard and landscaping so that has helped him have quality time with us after work and on weekends. (Our landlords have a gardener that comes every Wednesday morning.) I do have a hard time looking at photos from home or photos of our old house, so I'm not ready to post those yet. The kids are great. Emily really ramped up playing with her pretend friend, Honey, last month. I'm glad she started preschool this week and can make some real friends. Jeremy and I both realize that we enjoy doing new things, meeting new people, living new adventures. Of course the logistics part of moving can be frustrating and overwhelming, but we regularly experience simple joys like "discovering" a new beautiful waterfront park a mile from your house or walking down the street to a wonderful cafe in your neighborhood or finding a beautifully restored old theater. These things happen regularly and it makes life interesting. I'm glad we can find these simple joys just outside our door because it is pretty crazy and messy in our house right now.
Addendum 1/7/14: Photos from our last days at our first home.
Emily's big girl room. |
We found Jeremy's old skateboard as we were packing and just had to get a photo of our cuties riding it.l |
Good-bye Minoma Ave. You were a good first house. |
Good-bye to our little nursery. |
He looks sad to be moving, doesn't he? |
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